Welcome to the world of Delrii

It's a land where humans, elves, dwarves, and countless other beings coexist as Kindred, bound by the Common Tongue. Magic flows through all, but its strength varies by fate. Cities once thrived with wondrous Artifice—machines of magic and engineering that eased labor, enriched culture, and defined the Age of Artifice.

Then came the Devourers. On the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month in the thirteen hundredth year, colossal horrors manifested without warning, consuming all life in sight. They shattered cities, silenced the great Works of Artifice, and drove survivors into the wilds. But escape was fleeting—whenever Kindred gathered in numbers, the Devourers returned to feast. The Age of Artifice was over. This was The Age of Endless Hunger.

Now, Artifice crumbles, resources dwindle, and survival demands small, nomadic bands. Thirteen is the cursed number—any larger gathering risks summoning a Devourer. Some seek to reclaim the past, others embrace the new world, but all who endure grow weary. We are the Worn Wanderers, and our epic tales are etched in struggle.


Darien One-Eye

Darien One-Eye

Very few people exist who have seen a Devourer up close, and even fewer have dared to fight one and lived to tell the tale. Ironically, Darien is one of...

Darien One-Eye

Very few people exist who have seen a Devourer up close, and even fewer have dared to fight one and lived to tell the tale. Ironically, Darien is one of...