Darien One-Eye

Very few people exist who have seen a Devourer up close, and even fewer have dared to fight one and lived to tell the tale. Ironically, Darien is one of those survivors, though he wishes he were not. In his past life, Darien was a simple woodsman with an adorable family. He left early in the morning to chop down trees, and they returned each night to Darien's loving wife and dutiful son and daughter with enough gold from their lumber to live comfortably. Over the years, his work ethic helped build his town into a city, much of it built with lumber he himself had chopped down. As his children grew, his son joined him in his labor and his daughter became a skillful seamstress. It seemed Darien would live and die a charmed life surrounded by loved ones, but no one ever planned for The Descent of the Devourers. When their small city was beset, Darien was cozy in bed like most everyone else. He awoke to the sounds of his daughter screaming. Grabbing his wood axe, he rushed to his kids’ room to behold the sight he would never forget: His son’s legs hanging out of the mouth of an otherworldly, nebulous head: a Devourer! He raised his axe and charged the intruder, and while his blow struck true, the alien was only enraged, and bashed Darien through a wall causing the roof to collapse on him and scarring his right eye. The buried and pinned Darien could only listen on in horror as everyone around him, and the city he had helped to build, was greedily consumed. Days later, some scavengers combing the city overturned the rubble pinning Darien, and he was reborn into a new world, a terribly dark one, where he was not a successful woodsman with a loving family, but an angry, bitter vengeant who is good with an axe.